Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!
I have been wanting to write a blog for several years- and this morning I was inspired by a fellow knitting blogger who wrote a story about her father who has Alzheimer's disease- and that did it for me. My blog has been born and I have been given a clean slate to voice to all my thoughts. How refreshing! Now I'm sure I have lots to perfect as far as the "look" of my blog- but just having one is somehow quite exciting and motivating. 0---------32(and this blog will be filled with lots of little helpers....(the previous little typo is thanks to Symeon the Bengal cat walking on the keyboard. :)

Seems fitting to start this on New Year's Day....and to state my goals here. I hope to someday launch a book from this experience of writing a blog....(which has also been in my head for many years). I started my year this morning with an hour of favorite thing to do....I am determined to finish a certain orange sweater I began last this I can start the infamous "February lady sweater", featured on Ravelry. I love this sweater, and that sweater, so motivation should not be a problem. Except for the 33 projects I currently have on needles...oh well all in good time.

My dad, my awesome wonderful dad, has Early Onset Alzheimer's disease. Diagnosed five years ago at the age of 57, we have been traveling this road slowly, and now more quickly...and the time is ticking away at my opportunity to capture him, at least in the way that I feel will commemorate him, by writing about the journey. My original idea was to have a shared blog with him, where we would write to each other- but it seems I started too late- for he was not inclined to sit at the computer and write to me. Perhaps he may be compelled to post comments here on this site- I hope so.

So I begin this year of 2009 with a blessing wish to all of you, my family and friends, to celebrate your existence and live each day this year to the fullest- and may good fortune follow you in all that you attempt! And to you Dad, this blog was created in your honor- and I hope to make a difference for you, and any who are open to the traveling thoughts of me, your daughter.

Happy New Year!

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